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Complete Your Why Section Of The Single Page Plan (Why)
To become a goal achiever you have to have the determination that no matter what it takes, you are not going to stop before you have fulfilled what you set out to accomplish. You’re not going to quit; you’re not going to give up; not until your dream becomes a reality. But what is it that will give you this determination and motivation.
My dream is that once you have completed your single page plan you’ll have brought your dream that much closer having tapped into a power that is so strong it will give you the courage, the persistence, the focus to channel all your energy onto the right things necessary to bring your dreams into being.
This power comes from your why, it’s there within you, deep inside.
A why so strong that it will refuse to let you quit or give up; that every day you will be filled with energy passion and determination.
Your why is the ‘reason or purpose’ for wanting to do something.
Next Module
Now we're going to look at how to set goals. We're going to be looking at how your going to get from where you are now to where you want to be.